Scale up your online apparel business with the ghost mannequin service
The ghost mannequin service removes the mannequin from an image and makes the apparel appear like someone is wearing it. This service is considered the best way to present apparel products because this way can easily understand the shape of the dress. Ghost mannequin service is the alternative to model photography. It reduces time and cost. ESClipping is committed to providing high-quality invisible mannequin service to clients in time.
- 3D model removing from photos
- Product look will fit and more realistic look
Portfolio Checkout our Ghost Mannequin works
Here are some of the ghost mannequin services showcased, you can look up and evaluate about us from these images.

Simple ghost mannequin
The simple ghost mannequin involves joining the back part with the front part and producing a joint effect that improves the photo’s Quality and makes it realistic. For example, Shirts, t-shirts, jackets, sweaters, and blazers neck joints.

Medium ghost mannequin
The Medium ghost mannequin involves joining two back parts with the front part and producing a joint effect that improves photo Quality and makes it realistic. For Example neck joint and bottom joint or bottom joint and Sleeve Joint, etc.

Complex ghost mannequin
The complex ghost mannequin involves joining multiple back parts with the front part and produces a joint effect that improves photos Quality and makes it realistic. For example neck joint, bottom joint, Sleeve Joint and etc.
How to know photoshop ghost mannequin outsourced services are right for you
You know you don't have to do everything by yourself, our ghost mannequin services are ideal for you, if you are one of them

You're a busy professional photographer, with a recent bulk product photoshoot that requires a lot of editing, which requires a lot of time for you to edit, which slows down your work.

You’re an e-commerce retailer, and you are looking to create high-quality images and merchandise that make your products look their best. So that the customer is attracted to your product.

You're a freelancer or advertising agency with tight client deadlines and tons of other deliverables. So you can outsource your required image edit, for that your time will be saved and maintain the client deadline.